
You should normally use gxl2basdx9a.dll. gxl2dx8a.dll is not developed any further. However, indeed only the latest gxl2basdx9 versions (not released yet) support level lighting, as gxl2dx8a.dll did.

gxlBase.dll and gxlbase32.dll are very outdated and should not be used anymore.

Thanks for your quick reply. I am a bit confused however, because I don't find any advantages on using gxl2basdx9a over dx8 right now.
In WED, basdx9a lacks level lighting as you just said.
And in MED, dx8 is also better because it shows the model both textured and gouraud-shaded (basdx9a texture+gouraud doesn't actually show any gouraud).

Do you know when can we expect the release of the new dx9 dlls?

As a side note, maybe it would be better to update the Beta information page. It mentions these GXL2DX9 and GXL2DX9a dlls (non "BAS") that may lead to confusion.