
If not using lite-C and ABT, A7 look really like A6, a screen shot cannot tell what different inside. I have A7 Prerelease but I'm still using A6, because:

1. I don't use ABT yet, the map compiler go crazy with my PC.
2. I can't use mtlFX template with lite-C (I hope A7 official release support this).
3. I don't have 3D modeling package support FBX.
4. I am a newbie

It also features a new renderer and is faster than A6. The pro version's BSP will also support concave geometry. I'm not sure if this is going to be supported immediately or will come later, but it has been announced. Anything with A7 next to it on the beta page is an A7 feature, and I'm betting it's safe to assume most forecast features will eventually make it into it (some might make it into A6 but then that means they're in A7 by default).

@Frederick_Lim and all other A7 users: The free Wings3D features FBX export and import, so you could use that if you needed a modeler. The cheap ($20 US) fragMotion will also feature FBX export soon, so there's the answer for rigging and animation. The developer of that program is aware that A7's MED will import it and considers FBX implementation into fragMotion a high priority. Also, Milkshape features FBX export, but I don't know if that horror show has all the bells and whistles of fragMotion.


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