No no, I will explain it once more;
- I made a level in A6 (ofcource with C-Script).

Part of C-Script:
var video_mode=8; //1024 * 768 screen resolution
var video_depth=32; //D3D mode
var video_screen=1; //1=full screen, 2=window

- I copied that level to A7.
- I did not change anything in C-Script.
- I did not change the script into Lite_C.
- I build the level with A7.

When run, the part of C-Script (see above) does not affect the screen.
video_mode keeps default (6)
video_screen keeps default (2)

Now that is the problem, In A6 it works perfect and in A7 it does not.
Please help.

I like to keep scripting simple, life is hard enough as it is.