I was like an animal in the ocean of life, swimming around, not really knowing, why ...

These two lines are identical:

God has found me.
I found God.

He led me into love: His love, which is everywhere and infinite.

He led me into truth: His truth, which is not the "truth" of the lawyers, not the "truth" of the prosecutors.

It is the truth of the patient, infinite judge.

He gave me a key and I kept this key for years.
It is the key to the little door.

There is a reason, why he gave me the key. It is, because He loves you and He wants you to live.

But He gave freedom to you and me, the freedom of choice.

If you stay away from this door, life will continue as usual.

If you ask me for the key, I will do, what He wants me to do anyway and give you the key.

I can´t say, what will happen to you, if you go through this door. It will lead to an abandoned spiritual temple with many rooms, many traps. It is also not certain, that you find the way back. I didn´t and I tried many times.