One day has passed away, some fishes are here now, and crabs and other seafood and they take the key, not really knowing, why ...

These two lines are identical:

The little door has found them.
They found the little door.

The name of the key is "curiosity" and it is the first key and the whole number of keys is seven.

And there are seven locks on the little door and seven seals.

This key and the corresponding lock work fine, there is no resistance, the mechanic is perfect. It doesnt open the door, but it breaks one seal, and the name of the seal is "world".

And in this moment the fishes are confronted with the mighty spirit of the first seal, which is everywhere around them, like the water of the ocean.

These are some words of the spirit of the world:


"Lol. Iīm real. Iīm not part of Robotronics stupid fairy tale. Seven days, seven seals ... huhu give me a break! And what about this `spiritual templeī? I canīt see this thing.

It doesnīt exist.
It isnīt real.

I mean, whatīs the point of this? Heīs wasting your time. He invents stories.
And what do you expect, whatīs inside of this temple? God? Armageddon? The Messiah? The `New Church of the Enlightened Robotronicsī?
Robotronic is crazy. He has listened too much to Jerry Falwell. Now he probably plans to become the next televangelist, this time using the Internet. And if you go through his pseudo-door, which isnīt real anyway, youīll find his banc account. He wants your money. Well in this case, he wouldnīt be crazy, but I happen to know this guy.
Here are some cold, hard facts about Robotronic (itīs not even his real name!!!):
He comes from the film industry. He thinks, he has found his stupid god, when he was writing a screenplay. This really says enough. A long time ago he was a nice fellow. He had a real career, he had ambition, even success. He was throwing all of this away, when he started his stupid search for "himself".
This is, how it starts: with this stupid desire for "authenticity". What is this anyway?
And what is this: love? Love means Sex. This is, what love really means.
He went to film school, he didnīt like, when he learned, that modern people donīt have the "contemplative view" anymore, because of course they prefer action, breaking news and entertainment. Someone should tell him, that this is the 21st century and we donīt need this crap anymore.
Well, I donīt want to bore you with this. Itīs a boring story of a stranger. Donīt try to help him, move on, he doesnīt come out of his "spiritual temple", which doesnīt exist anyway. I tried to get him for ten years now. Actually I tried to get him all the time.
Iīve given up on him now. And I tell you something else. He isnīt the holy spirit, he comes back, he wantīs ice cream too and Weißwürschtl.
This is the most pointless thread, Iīve ever seen.


These were just some words of the spirit of the worldly world, who - like the water of the ocean - is trying to wash away the little door, that leads to the abandoned spiritual temple.
And because I told you, that I am in this temple, and because I wrote these words, now you know a little bit about the temple too.

This was a good question:

"Why should you try to find the way back if you are so well in the temple ?"

The answer is deep inside the temple, but the spirit of the worldly world has already given you some hints.

There are still six keys and six seals.