
When I stepped on a scale this morning it said 66.6Kg, should I believe in the devil now knowing 666 is the number usually indicating him?? No, off course not, because my weight in pounds is a totally different number. So.. basically numbers say little to nothing (lol, except that I can eat without caring about my weight atm ). So I ask myself, why 7 keys? Or 6? Why temples?

Witch!!! Buurn him!

I see your point btw, but although kilos are just a metric system, the 6 or 7 keys is as simple as that.. Like, some people believe in the 7 deadly sins. I don't.. but I did like the movie. anyway, you can see the difference.



Don't think you're the only person whose searching for himself. It's true, that some ain't

You don't have to find anything if nothing is lost.

We have an old saying in Greece which has also become pretty popular worldwide: "Know Thyself". Later on, Ghandi said it, Nostradamus, Nietzsche, Einstein.. Can you say all these people were just... comfused?

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