
Confused hehehe, Nietzsche?? Definitely! Hehehe, just kidding, no, I see your point, however I really think the 'assumption' that everyone who doesn't believe is 'lost somehow' is just another clever psychological pressure which justification I simply find extremely doubtable.

believe in what?


I agree there's a difference between 'thinking to know' and 'knowing', however the difference from our own individual perspectives is irrelevant because we can't really know for sure if we are right about what we think to know. So why "worry" as these religions seem to more or less 'demand'?

Who said anything about religion? I don't know what Robotronic is talking about with his temples, but I'm not religious, neither was Einstein and Nietzsche. But that doesn't mean we have to stop looking for answers altogether. So what I'm saying is, yourself is a great place to start.

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