You guys just want to get me out of my temple

@ Phemox: "Believing to be 'lost', either spiritual, morally or whatever other way people 'can' be lost."

The oracle says: NO. The whole procedure here is like this: find the living God for you. For some people God is a source of joy, others have a headache because of Him.
Some people fear Him, others love Him. Some people do both.
Someone believes in justice. Someone believes in love.
And it absolutely doesnīt matter, how you call it.
Someone can be a die-hard atheist and be very close to Him.

But I think, that you might need more imagination. For me it is almost a surprise, that people, who work with virtual reality and such stuff have so much trouble with the basics ...

Reality != Truth

A mythos, a fable can be more true, than 1000 pages of selected "hard facts" ...
And what is just "normal" reality in a particular time and space, can be a huge crime a few years later - think of fascism for example ...

@ Larry

I really love your comments. Itīs good to have someone from Greece on board.
Knowledge is indeed one key aspect.

I love this one:

If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.
If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat.
If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.

Sun Tzu, The art of war

For me everything is linked. God is spirit. A huge living spirit. You canīt define spirits. You can come to an idea, which seems logical, and contradiction-free, tested with your experience and scriptures, but not a full definition.
God is simply too big for this.

The temple, btw. stands for a project of mankind.

Itīs not Robotronics private temple.

Most people underestimate the possibilities of the human mind, to imagine the whole. Maybe it was more simple in previous time: less information, more time for reflection or more time to work with the information. I do not need detail knowledge about everything, but a good idea. Anyway, it is not pure logic or philosophy ...

And about the keys, the seals, the number seven ...

Maybe itīs just an old habit? Only God knows such things