Another day, another key. And while the curious fishes look for the next key, each one realizes, that he already has a special key and found his key somewhere in the ocean, before he found the little door.

These two lines are identical:

Their keys have found them.
They found their key.

While the keys have different shapes and colours, they all have the same name: "opinion".

Every fish is now trying his key and there seems to be some progress with every fish and every attempt: the lock works like a clockwork. Finally the second seal breaks apart. The name of this seal is: "separation".

The spirit of separation is a child of the spirit of the world.

It is however important to know, that we start our lives as mystics: swimming in the little ocean in our mothers body, protected - someone takes care of us. There is no necessity to make a difference between us and everything else, because there is harmony.


Separation isn´t nice and the first encounter with this spirit is brutal: the moment, when we see the light of this world for the first time, when the umbilical cord is cut off.

But we realize it slowly and sometimes painfull over the years: we have to learn - if we like it or not - our first lessons of the "principle of reality" - the awareness, that our "Ego" is separated from others. These "others" are not always friendly ...

I remember a key experience, when I had just entered elementary school. Another kid asked me his favorite question: "Which side do you support: Bavaria or 60?" - Bavaria Munich and Munich 1860 are the two soccer teams of my hometown. I choose the wrong team (from the other kids perspective), he hit me and I learned, that it is a good idea to have an opinion about this issue - at least in this world. Since the schoolyard bullys were all Bavaria Munich fans I decided to fully agreed with them. This changed later, when I entered my socialist period, where one was expected to support the underdogs (Munich 1860). I have to admit, that football (soccer) only rarely played a big role in my life.

People have strong opinions about everything, from the preferred soccer team to the middle east conflict to ... well, everything.

How do we come to our opinions?
Can we trust them?
Should we take them serious?

Every human being developps ideas, opinions, attitudes, persons. The word "person" comes from latin and means "mask". We play our person, like actors on a stage.
Our opinions and attitudes are part of it. As kiddies we sometimes change our masks completely, some people remain players for their entire life, their role becomes such a perfect and successfull routine, that they do not even question it anymore.

For me Shakespeare expressed it very nice:

Life´s but a walking shadow, a poor player,
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage,
And then is heard no more; it is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.


The funny thing is: we enjoy this whole carnival. We like to go to the battlefields with our opinions, defend them, attack others for the sake of its own or in order to find out weakness. And it is even more exciting, when we really believe in our persons, attitudes etc. And as long as it doesn´t hurt the inner logic of the constructed person / mask, there´s also no problem with spin, exaggeration, lies ...

Another funny thing: groups (like political parties, nations, faith systems) can act in a similar way, just like the individuals, who identify with them. They are like larger "bodys" with a mind, defense mechanisms etc. From time to time they even enjoy a little war with another group, which can - if the experience was strong enough - even lead to a longer peaceful period.

It is like a game: the goal is to be the winner, to be on top.

Actually it is complex, there are many groups, one can be a member of xyz associations and our general attitude is also influenced by instincts, DNA etc.

But there are always these little brief moments, when we are reminded, that something isn´t true, that it could be different. Such moments can come, when we identify with "others", when we understand, that the humiliated "enemy" might be us.

In a war it can happen, that - even if you identify with Team A - , when accidentally you read a little story somewhere about a killed human being from Team B - you start to cry.

You know, that killing is part of the game.

Strange incidents, that one can only avoid by closing at least one eye.

There are still five keys and five seals.