
But I think, that you might need more imagination. For me it is almost a surprise, that people, who work with virtual reality and such stuff have so much trouble with the basics ...

What exactly do you mean? My imagination is pretty good, I can imagine a lot. I can not imagine reality though, because it's already there, not much imagination needed to understand that, not more imagination needed to 'expand' it either.

I think he is saying that since we get to create virtual worlds ourselves, it is easier for us to see how our own world could be created and represented the same way.

Think Matrix and Thirteen floor . Not that we're necessarily created by programmers, but it has given me lot too think about, when i was creating my own 'life' inside my own world, in doing Vain (an rpg); And wondering how easy it would be for my Npcs to become aware of their world, if they had the same intelligence as I do. And if it would be possible for them(the npcs) to realise my own world

or maybe, that's just what i'm saying

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