
Think Matrix and Thirteen floor . Not that we're necessarily created by programmers, but it has given me lot too think about, when i was creating my own 'life' inside my own world, in doing Vain (an rpg); And wondering how easy it would be for my Npcs to become aware of their world, if they had the same intelligence as I do. And if it would be possible for them(the npcs) to realise my own world

Yep ai is very cool, I wish I knew more about it, I was always intrigued with the idea of an ai which resembled a living being. Of course, from the programmers I have talked to it seems that real ai is just simply not possible in the present day, not even possible to similate the functions of a worm's neurological system, which puts robots and real ai in the far distant future.


I think he is saying that since we get to create virtual worlds ourselves, it is easier for us to see how our own world could be created and represented the same way.

Thats also one of the things that always attracted me to game programming. The whole aspect of a virtual world was always more interesting to me than to simply make a game. I never wanted to make games, I wanted to make worlds. (And I still do, but its turning out to be a near impossible feat as we all know)

Last edited by NITRO777; 05/29/07 00:45.