I would like to thank everyone, who has contributed to this thread, and Iīm sorry, if it caused confusion, anger or sadness. Your answers were extremely helpful to me, I often wrote replies, but then I didnīt post them for different reasons. Maybe this was not a good idea. I know, that I am not a very experienced preacher ...

... and no, Iīm not a member of the Roman-Catholic Inquisition.

Always keep in mind, that a word like God can mean very different stuff for different people. The same applies for words, such as "truth", "love", "justice" and so on ...

The meaning of these words for the individual human mind can be very deep and complex or very simple - like a boolean value - or something in-between.

And here it probably gets too confusing or frustrating and an Internet forum is maybe better suited for a more simple exchange of pro and contra type arguments.

But nevertheless I had a lot of fun with some answers.

As for the Musil statement: itīs only a tiny little piece from the whole mosaic, where he tries to find out, what led to a war. Itīs from a book with many pages, and before I even try to explain this ...

... coming back to the first response by derOmega (nice coincidence!):

"Take the blue pill!"


@ Nitro: Thank you very much for your nice comments, some of them not so different from my own positions.
The inspiration to this thread came btw. from a nice encounter somewhere on an other forum. If you ever met a very nice Christian woman with the name Virginia (I imagine, she lives deep down in the south of the US), who is completely confused because of a book, called "The Man without Qualities" - you know, with whom she had contact ...