Itīs okay to be spontaneous and if someone is short on experience, because he isnīt that old, making some mistakes is simply necessary. And itīs also fun. Who would like a life, where there is at every corner a policeman, who says: stop, you are going to make a serious mistake, that has been made a million times by others?

The other thing is: people have different forms of intelligence. Some people are very good at well defined, step-by-step logical thinking, but not so good, when it comes to making associative links.

For me this is something, that I trained over many years in my worldly job as an editor.
I get a huge amount of raw material: filmed life (sounds, moving images) in a chaotic form ... and I have to select, transform, and bring it down to stories, that make "sense", that have a beginning and an end. Itīs like solving puzzles. There are almost no rules, but there are abstract established patterns, which can work for different situations too. I can edit a documentary film about an African drummer and apply a pattern from Coppolas "Apocalypse Now". There are theories about the dramatic structure.

Movies, stories, myths are often not just entertainment, they are patterns for our behaviour and patterns to help us understand, whatīs going on. But the audience has to be able to apply them to his own slightly different reality.

Something similar does apply to history. I see it like a story, that helps me understand reality. There is however an old saying: "History is a language, one in which the dead talk to the deaf."

Life writes little stories into the human memory, and one can transform them into blueprints, in order to recognize a slightly different situation. There are general experiences (like birth ...) that everyone makes. Everyone has a desire for love.
Life - for me - is like a very old piece of theatre, with me as the main actor. At the beginning I think, Iīm the first one and this piece has been written only for me. Because Iīm fascinated by the effects, the colors, the outer appearances. The costumes, the stage setting, everything looks very modern and original. But the blueprints behind this are as old as mankind and our lifes are just a variation of this.