Many thanks for the (several times edited! [Smile] ) reply, Ventilator. It seems that you are the only person who has been thoroughly testing bones as yet. [Smile]

Some more questions from this:

1) I already looked in the manual, which is where my questions came from, as the manual isn't clear to me at all. I still don't get how combining animations would work. For instance, if you have your whole model running, and use ANM_ADD to add a shooting animation only to the torso, how would this work? If it only adds the angles, the animation would go nuts - the torso would be playing a combination of both running and shooting, rather than just shooting! In this case, I would have thought you would have needed to reset the torso first, but to do that you would need to use ent_bonereset() to reset every bone of the torso, wouldn't you? (Whilst keeping the legs running.)

It seems that no one has actually tested combining animations yet, and as Conitec haven't released a model with the betas to show how this would work, it seems that no one has actually seen it work at all.

...Hang on... I've just looked at the manual again. Could you tell me exactly what is meant by a "bones scene"? How do you allocate bones scenes? Could you have the torso and legs as separate "scenes", even though they are part of the same joined skeleton? This would make more sense... (There is nothing in the MED manual about bones yet.) But it seems that a "bones scene" is just an animation sequence.

2) Regarding the blending, I know it will look better, but do you think it is/will be easier to implement? Blending using vertex animation is very complicated (I have tried it and just about succeeded, but it is clumsy); I was hoping that bones animation would simplify the process...

Okay, I admit it, I'm very confused. [Smile]

Many thanks,