

A while back (quite a while...) I think it was these forums where someone was talking about game publishers, and the Head Honcho's of game companies...and how they seem to be complaining more and more about "lack of income", or "too much gamer diversity/competition", etc. The seem to blame things on the gamers for some reason; if their game isn't selling its because the gamers are being unreasonable/stingy/etc., or (their most favoritistest of whipping boys..."pirates").

Now, I ask you. This is a quote from Reggie Fils-Aime, COO of Nintendo (America, I think). And he quotes:


"From our perspective, this industry is about entertainment and it's about driving a consumer interface and engagement with content."

I've read this time and time again...and I can't figure it out. Is this even english? What the hallibut does "...driving a consumer interface and engagement with content" even mean?

Maybe if the CEO's and COO's actually were even remotely interested in how their target audience talks or if they, themselves, picked up and played a video game, it'd help.



"We've got a blind date with destiny...and it looks like she's ordered the lobster."

-- The Shoveler

A7 Commercial (on Windows 7, 64-bit)