wow, lots of answers. cool, thanks!
I'm back...


You have to find the balance between whats "bad and cool" or "bad and acceptable"

Yeah... I thought something that has to do with this.
I did not think of all those games all of you have mentioned, when i posted this topic. you're right. there are tons of games that make you play the bad guy. but there are none that make you feel bad.

okay. that being said, there are some. none just sounded better in that sentence.
I guess I should redefine "bad" at this point. because in gta you're "bad", and in counterstrike you're "bad". but when you play the game, you don't see yourself as being "bad". in gta, you accept what you're doing. you might not be like that in real life, but it's the way the game goes, you're fine with being the character you are, it's all good.
How about a game that makes you think about the actions you took in the end. Makes you regret that you have shot the innocent person. A game that leaves you free choice, but makes you pay or leaves you with a bad conscience. By "pay", I don't mean that you loose resources every time you kill an enemy villager, that would be nonsense, but "paying" in some other way. Like loosing the chance to get back onto the right track. Yes, I do realize I'm walking on very dangerous ground here. may be one of the reasons no one has done it yet. I mean, who wants to be confronted with a bad conscience while playing a game? How can a game developer be so annoying? It would disturb my idea of fun quite a bit. Also... if you don't do it exactly right, and get the wrong person playing it, it may look like you're promoting the killing of innocent people.
An example would be a military commander who has control over life and death. Killing may seem to be the better way. but in the end, you've killed someone who didn't deserve death, you're bad. it would make people think. Or, maybe, it would make people switch of entirely. but the first option would be intended...
Maybe this has already been done, but I'm playing the "wrong" games?
To achieve the effect, the victims would have to be much bigger characters. they would have to beg for mercy, and look realistic.
As soon as that comes in, the game may not be sold any more though, another problem, because you can't really promote the killing of innocents. that would be sick.

to wrap it all up:
winning a game in which you play the "bad" guy who would make you feel like you're bad...?
I find it an interesting concept...


Fighting violence with violence does not make you the same as your enemy (or whatever you want to call the adversary). Violence can be used for noble purposes, and sometimes it must be used, and out in the real world sometimes someone just needs a good beating to get the point across. Words aren't the answer, so a kick to the head is the answer.

Any questions?
sorry. my opinion. u can come over and give me a "kick to the head". u have my permission. You'll see that it won't be the answer, cause it won't change my opinion.

and I'm not saying that I would never use violence. if I could save a life by hitting someone in the face cause he won't tell me how to, maybe I would. still it's not the answer.
Sorry... and please don't be mad at me, no offense intended.

I would love such a thread, error014!!

~"I never let school interfere with my education"~
-Mark Twain