I bought 3DGS 4 months ago, and a friend of myne is interesting in buying an engine too.

I talked about 3DGS to him and he show me IrrLicht, Torque, Cosmos Creator, and soo on..

And i've been thinking since then.. There are some good engines out there, some of them are free, in wich way does 3DGS makes the difference?

Until now i saw some BUGs i didnt like too much, for example, large maps cause script problems, because of the nexus Acknex.exe "eats". WED is too limited, and soo is MED, but MED can convert well from another Apps like 3DSMAX.
And WED cant convert too much thing to Hammer for example.
I mean, the engine is the only thing that makes it worthy, in my opinion, if we forget things like 8 dinamic lights limitation, the COM e PRO physic engine limitation, and the memory it takes to make some detailed maps.

I've seen huge maps in other games detailed that dont take that much memory.

When i look to 3DGS i see a great engine that is being "ruined" by small and stupid details.

I wish that A7 can be more elaborated in performance and in tools list.

Talking about the tools, i think that the tools can born just by imagination, even the most stupid and absurd tool with no purpose can make even more creative results that the old tools, create cube.. create sphere, and now good luck..

Improve the ways that WED and MED convert models/maps so that users can use a variety of tools and import again.

Great model apps are cinema 4D and 3dsmax, i like cinema 4d a lot, its easy and it has many tools and filters that deform models and shapes, like splines, hipernurbs, and soo on.

WED could be a copy of Hammer, Hammer is really good, if 3DGS and Hammer could join forces, 3DGS would be soooooo awesome!!!

Hope you accept this as a construtive critique, i wish a better 3DGS for everyone that inspires creativity.

Good luck!

Last edited by ExtraCortex; 06/08/07 21:39.