
large maps cause script problems

never heard of script problems with large maps


WED is too limited

not any more.


8 dinamic lights limitation

it's a limitation of the ffp, isn't it?


the memory it takes to make some detailed maps

not more than other engines. maybe there are other engines with lower memory consumption but i've never heard of 3dgs being a negative example.


I've seen huge maps in other games detailed that dont take that much memory.

may be right


"ruined" by small and stupid details

nobody's perfect and it's the same with each other software you're buying. just value the pros and cons.


Talking about the tools, i think that the tools can born just by imagination, even the most stupid and absurd tool with no purpose can make even more creative results that the old tools, create cube.. create sphere, and now good luck..

i don't exactly understand you here. if you mean that the primitives and modelling/levelling capabilities are limited then i must agree to you, at least to some extend.
Great model apps are cinema 4D and 3dsmax, i like cinema 4d a lot, its easy and it has many tools and filters that deform models and shapes, like splines, hipernurbs, and soo on.


WED could be a copy of Hammer, Hammer is really good, if 3DGS and Hammer could join forces, 3DGS would be soooooo awesome!!!

hammer is not better than wed, very limited and way more outdated than wed. reminds me of the wed that came with the first a5 engine i bought.


Hope you accept this as a construtive critique, i wish a better 3DGS for everyone that inspires creativity

so do i and i fully appreciate your comment on the engine, nevertheless it's not much more than a critique on it. you might make more specific suggestions and jcl and the other developers will more likely listen to you. don't say you want your wv golf be more like an audi a5, tell us what is missing.
