Its true that hammer is out of date, but the good thing it has that WED could have is the variaty of tools (they're not much, but they are enough to build a map quicker than in WED).

At least i feel more confortable in Hammer than WED, i'll be direct in my ideas then, (+) are positive things, (-) are negative ones.


(+) When you zoom one 2D view, the others make the same;

(-) We could control the 3D view like in Hammer;

(+) I like the list of textures in WED, better then opening a new window

(-) We could edit the textures of many faces at the same time (massive texture editor) like in hammer, a way to edit the X/Y of a texture in many faces at once, and with the right mouse button (like in hammer) copy all the configurations of a face's texture to another face. In hammer you do that by selecting one face and then to right click on another different face;

(+) Like the vertices and faces WED has;

(-) The way you resize objects should be like hammer to, like if you want to resize an object only for one side and not for both sides, i mean, a GUI like this one with the 4 dots marking the 4 faces of the block/object:


Open powerpoint and get some ideas from it, i made that screen on it

(-) The grid could be even smaller in order to solve the problem that appears like blocks that should be together look like this:

Im not kidding, it makes me remember an earthquake, the current WMP2WMB does that with blocks, even if they are in the same grid,one becomes taller than others and soo on..

(-) The 3D view could be more clean, actually it inst too nice, textures dont appear right on it, and there's a great distorcion in the visibility in the corners of the view.

(+/-) The knife tool, but i know you are already making one

(-) WED could have a library just like in Flash, i hope you know Flash:

(-) WED could show models with skin instead of the wireframed model, in cubic models we cant see what's the front or the backwards face.

(-) We could give the same action to multiple entities at the same time.

(-) We could select multiple entities from the 2D and 3D windows and not only from the object list.

(-) Wed could scale the selected objects with the given value, for example 0.5 (resize the group to half of is size).

Picture of me applying this size to multiple blocks

(-) The selected block should become red for the user see wich block is selected in 3D view, like this:

(-) We could draw the object before WED create it, for example, instead of choosing Small/large/... cube, e could draw the cube before it really appears in the map:

(-) The selection tool could be just like in Hammer:

In this picture i'll select all the blocks as soon i press the ENTER key.


(-) Splines + Filters are a great way to create great models in few time, for example, with a spline i created a Hi-poli cup (or low-poli) in 2 minutes that i would take 30 min to build in MED.

Some ideas here:

This is an example of a boole filter, it makes this:

The result is this:

You can see all the new things you can build only with this tool?

See more:,1652.msg2803.html#msg2803
Create 3D text for example.

This ones are very usefull:

Where this

becomes this:

I think its all that i have to say untill now.
I cant be more clear than this, and sorry for my bad english

Hope this post helps 3DGS growing and dont fall in the black hole of the last pages that no one reads, because i took almost 1 hour to make this post, by selecting the ideas and taking the screens.

If for some reason you cant see the screens/pictures, just tell me, i hosted them in

Keep the good work