a7 has unlimited lights.

a7 has physics engine in all editions.

in terms of MED problems, i just use blender which does EVERYTHING and use ventilator's exporter.

in terms of WED block-gap problems, increase "snap" if you want to makes sure blocks touch each other properly. if you want more precision, maybe you're making your level on too small a scale.

those "huge maps" in most games that don't take up much memory are usually broken into smaller pieces which are dynamically loaded before the player can see them. far-off objects are usually replaced by really low-detail models.

with most engines, even if they DO come with extra tools, they are often unused because of products that are specifically made to be stand-alone, feature-rich editors.

3DGS does have its shortcomings, but in my opinion they are almost exclusively related to the tools. i agree that the tools do need to be improved for those who need to use them.


Formerly known as JulzMighty.
I made KarBOOM!