OK, where should I start?...


-) The way you resize objects should be like hammer to, like if you want to resize an object only for one side and not for both sides, i mean, a GUI like this one with the 4 dots marking the 4 faces of the block/object:

...has it


(-) The grid could be even smaller in order to solve the problem that appears like blocks that should be together look like this:

...has it


(-) WED could have a library just like in Flash, i hope you know Flash:

...has it


(-) The 3D view could be more clean, actually it inst too nice, textures dont appear right on it, and there's a great distorcion in the visibility in the corners of the view.

...Thats simply your textures problem


(-) WED could show models with skin instead of the wireframed model, in cubic models we cant see what's the front or the backwards face.

...has it


(-) We could select multiple entities from the 2D and 3D windows and not only from the object list.

...WTF? WED definatly has supported this for a while...


(-) Wed could scale the selected objects with the given value, for example 0.5 (resize the group to half of is size).

...has it


(-) The selected block should become red for the user see wich block is selected in 3D view, like this:

...again, has it, and has had it for quite a while...

3DGS supports many of these features and more. You need to spend more time figuring the tools out before you complain about them. I also recommend that you upgrade to the latest public beta (A6.6), as it seems you are using A6.20.2

- Programmer