
Constructor looks like a nightmare.

That might be your problem. I used way more than only WED. I played with the DOOM3 in-game level editor, with the Lawmaker-editor, Unreal, Constructor and WED.

And yes. You are right. If you only look into them for a first glance then WED is very easy to learn. All buttons available. Simple and easy. But at the end when you really work with them then you are happy to have a well thought interface, good camera control and all the little well-thought helps to work on several textures at once, see lighting instantly and much much more.

I think it is wrong to make a mind from only looking or even glancing at a software. You have to work with it to judge it right. Where is your Constructor level? I provided one and proved that I can work much faster with that tool. And I made very lots of levels in WED before. I worked on Betti and several more professional indie games in the past.

Models, Textures and Games from Dexsoft