the question about no-shaders for that scene wasn't the smartest question to begin with. if that screenshot uses no shaders, 3dgs can do it without shaders. if it uses shaders... whoa... wait a minute! 3dgs can do shaders too!! most problems graphics-wise are because of the art, not the engine.

But at the end when you really work with them then you are happy to have a well thought interface, good camera control and all the little well-thought helps to work on several textures at once, see lighting instantly and much much more.

a realtime editor is in the works -- i do find WED's interface a little clunky but i guess when the time comes that i need to use it, i'll get used to it. perhaps the realtime editor will have enough functionality to bring us closer to that level...
i looked at frank's link, and admittedly the constructor's preview and shadows do look nice but i should point out that the complaint about non-integer coordinates in the build is not a problem:

Don't snap vertices
By default, all vertices are snapped at integer coordinates. This can produce inaccuracies at small details or T-junctions of blocks, which is prevented by enabling this flag. The drawback is that the BSP tree process will be affected, resulting in a slower level and possible visibility problems.

perhaps 6.31 doesn't have this?

someone complained about having to open a properties panel to apply textures... u didn't even have to do that in A5, let alone A6/7. if you're talking about applying to individual faces of a block, WED A7 can do this without having to open block properties... i don't know about A6.

don't worry, i'm not a WED fanboy -- i avoid using it and prefer model-only levels (usually). however, it is better than some people give it credit for.



Shadow969, tell me how you do it without .fx and i'll kiss you ^^

answer: the same way whoever made the scene in the first-place did it without shaders. and if they used shaders, why are you even asking? but whether they did or not, i've seen some awesome faked-fur with layered alpha-mapped models (in 3DGS). i can't remember who did it. but either way, the shader version is typically an automatic way of doing something you can do manually. (there may be other ways of doing it).

Formerly known as JulzMighty.
I made KarBOOM!