Hey all,

I've been using A6 for quite some time now, mainly just playing around with level editing, models and some VERY VERY basic C-Script.

I'm thinking of getting into the scripting side of 3DGS a little more over summer (I tend to pick things up pretty quickly) and was wondering; is it even worth learning C-Script over summer, or should I just learn Lite-C instead?

I understand that Lite-C will be used more in A7 (I have no plans to move over to A7 just yet, I'll probably stick with A6 for quite a while and move over to A7 if a project were to 'take off').. But with C-script being more mature, common sense would tell me it's more reliable (at the moment anyway) and bug free..

I haven't been around here much for a while, so I don't know much about the future of A6 (or A7 for that matter). So is Lite-C going to be fully implimented into A6 (if not, then I should learn C-Script right?)

Sorry this is all very long winded (I've been awake for a long time and I'm so tired. ).