1) yes i do have a company(legal entity)
2) i called it a "tech demo" because i couldnt think of the proper name to give it. im sure "demo" in itself would have done just fine. i believe i only used 2 forum contributions. the sounds havent been touched yet, but they will be dealt with. i did clearly state the cration. a "visual demo" HAH! thats what ill call it a visual demo ...anyway. its a demo my main goal is to show graphics and hopefully give people a taste of what i'm capable of(not going so good so far...needs alot of work)there is no specific audience for this simple "visual demo" just everyone in general. when i start a major project then i will worry about audiences. and i hate the devil! i wish i could point you to my website but according to my host there are several issues with the domain...but that is of my concern.
i know you were only giving advice but sometimes advice should be kept to yourself or atleast slipped under the table on little pieces of paper.

-Initiate Games
-Level designer
