
The Christian belief is that this degeneration, called "genetic entropy" is the result of the curse God put on man in the garden of Eden. The Christian beleif states that the original Adam had perfect dna which only began to deteriorate after man's sin.

First of all you should say, the Christian comunity I belong to, beleive...
The official position of the Catholic Church, being evolutionism...

I suppose that God extended his curse also to animals and plants , even the ones living in the deep sea or in the middle of the Amazonian forest , which never came in contact with human beings, since it is evident that also their dna is not perfect

Apart from that
What you said about the mutations of genoma is correct but the conclusions are the direct opposite
Forget for a while the evidences of the fossils which are clearly in favour of evolution
Forget also that isolated localities have poorly efficient species
Many australian animals could not survive outside Australia , being quite primitive

Let's stick to the common sense

It is hard to beleive , I must admit it , in a step by step evolution but you can provide also some logic explanations
lets consider the wings of birds for example
An initial small protuberation was, for sure, of no use as far as locomotion is concerned but it could work as a sort of radiator for temperature control

What about the opposite ?
Do you beleive in the survival of the unfittists ?
I dont think so
Do you mean, that God has programmed our DNA to get worse and worse, step by step ?
If so, do you realize that he commited the worst crime ?
Adam and Eva , who commited the sin remained almost perfect people while their innocent sons must suffer for any kind of deseases

Last edited by AlbertoT; 06/30/07 12:46.