SEE, I agree with your point. the point i was trying to make earlier was, you dont have to allow religion and a diety control your faith and beliefs. free will allows free thinking to occur, gives you an opportunity to get some clarity in your life. let the brainwash fade and the truth to become evident. my example is, ancient Sumer, the first civilization. the first writing, cuniform tablets recording the events re-told and redesigning the old testament, making sure to adjust the power to the church, giving glory to their one God, and ignoring the others. now taking the stories of the bible re-written some 3500 years later by men who taught others to fear what they didnt understand. i ask you, look at the old testament and the events in it, you will see proof of extraterrestrial events, then look at the artifacts and celestial calenders of ancient cultures, and look at their dieties, then ask yourself, " can it be possible that maybe the gods and angels that we think were here and spoken about in the bible, possibly came down from a mothership?" ufo's, abductions, etc were spoken about in the bible during the old testament, and there are many more events in their own book to support these claims. and look really closely to the church and all that it has done in the name of religion, and look at the clergy for lack of answers themselves, brainwash people into believing they should live in fear and not answer any questions. ask yourself what if the ancient civizations were right all along? if we were given this free will br God to have options and ask questions, why does the church tell us not to ask questions. religion has proven to be nothing more than a contradiction.