First the german version:

Hi @all,

mir machen im Moment die Partikel-Flags Probleme.

Zuerst der Code:
 function effect_explo(PARTICLE *p)
var temp[3];
vec_add (p.vel_x, temp);
p.alpha = 25 + random(25);
p.flags |= BRIGHT | MOVE;
p.event = part_alphafade; // change to a shorter, faster function

Wenn ich den ausführe, erhalte ich von der Engine folgende Fehlermeldung:

Error in 'MAIN' line 26: syntax error
< p.flags |= BRIGHT | MOVE; >

Dabei hatte ich das Beispiel aus dem Handbuch kopiert.

Schreibe ich die Zeile so:

 p.flags |= MOVE; 

funktioniert es.

Hat jemand eine Idee, woran das liegen könnte?

Now the English version:

I'm having some problem with the particle-flags right now.

First of all the code:
 function effect_explo(PARTICLE *p)
var temp[3];
vec_add (p.vel_x, temp);
p.alpha = 25 + random(25);
p.flags |= BRIGHT | MOVE;
p.event = part_alphafade; // change to a shorter, faster function

If I execute this piece of code I get the following error message:

Error in 'MAIN' line 26: syntax error
< p.flags |= BRIGHT | MOVE; >

But this is an example copied from the manual.

If I write the line like this:
 p.flags |= MOVE; 

it works.

Has anybody got an idea about this?

Thanks / Danke

Back @ work with 3DGS.