We're looking for a few artists to help us create and texture simple, static 1D models for use in an upcoming project. Models would be along the following lines:

Example 1:

Example 2:

Example 3:

(There's also this one, which I will not inline, because it contains nudity, and may not be safe for work.) If you have a portfolio that contains 1D artwork, and you do freelance 1D modeling, please feel free to send us an e-mail at [Email]contract030707@dejobaan.com.[/Email] This is a paid contract.

We are ALSO looking for 3D artists to create and texture models for everyday objects (strawberries, bananas, mice, cakes, small children, acorns, lawn chairs, tennis racquets, and so forth). These will be very low-poly, simple models such as:

(See world_orange.png and world_spider.png for more detail.) If you do freelance 3D modeling, and are interested in more info, feel free to drop us a note with your portfolio at [Email]contract030707@dejobaan.com.[/Email] This is also a paid contract.

We are NOT looking for 5D modelers. That would be ridiculous.

Dejobaan Games - Bringing you quality video games for over 75 years.