
I have just now had the time to really sit down and start my first game, and have some cool things in mind...but..

Its an outdoor city enviorment, which is not impossible, but I hear you need many tricks to get it to run smoothly with 3DGS.

My point of the question, is I fear I may be reaching my comps limits WAY too early. I mean, I simply have an empty room, no codes, and a default "flying" cam, and it runs with 97%+ power being used.
Plus, I put about 36 models in the there, with about 420 faces each (totaling about 15,000 faces), and I THINK I have noticed slowdown. If it is, its not much, and it may just be me thinking it is. But if it IS, Im being struck down before I can even get off the ground, as far as my project gos.

So, my question is, is about how many faces SHOULD my system be able to handle, with:

2.2 ghz prossecor
448 mb memory
64 mb graphic card (no pixel shader)

I heard "the average" system can handle around 30,000 faces, but what I was reading never really said what the average system was. If thats true, I dont think I would be able to run my game on MY system..and that makes me sad.