Alright. Thnx for telling me how to do that, cuz I REALLY couldnt find it in the manual, lol. Debug helped alot. I noticed several things, and hope you can give me your opinion as to whats going on:

I had about 6 buses I made, each 370 faces each. They have 2 skins, one 512X512 other 512X256.

1. It DOES slow down, but mainly when I move right up-close to the buses. I notice of course, that the engine makes the teures smaller the farther you are from it. I then read in the manual that games with lower end graphic cards run faster with (I think) 256x256 or smaller tetures, which would explain why it runs faster when Im not up close to them.

2. I then found out how to run in fullscreen (FINALLY), and began playing with the resolutions. When I got it in 800x600, in full, it would keep a SOLID 60 fps, and even faster in windowed mode.

Would using 256x256 or smaller textures on models rather than around 512x512 matter THAT much, that it would slow down my game by 10-20+ fps?

Would you know if it would be best to have the game always run in 800x600-full or windowed, (or at least start that way) or would it not matter so much on higher end systems?