Hmm have not tried it in wdl but in lite-c and using the plugin sdk it does not seem to work.

This is from the manual faq.

int Render_Entity(void)
{// Get pointers to all objects you need
ENTITY* pEntity = (ENTITY*)ev->me;
BMAP* pSkin = (BMAP*)ev->render_map[0];
LPD3DXMESH pMesh = (LPD3DXMESH)ev->render_mesh; D3DMATERIAL9* pMaterial = (D3DMATERIAL9*)ev->render_d3dmaterial;
LPD3DXEFFECT pEffect = (LPD3DXEFFECT)ev->render_d3dxeffect; IDirect3DDevice9* pd3dDevice = (IDirect3DDevice9*)ev->pd3ddev;// now render it
// tell the engine not to render the entity again
return 1;}

void Render_Init(void)
ev->mat_model->event = (EVENT)Render_Entity;
ev->mat_model->flags |= ENABLE_RENDER;
ev->mat_model->effect = "technique dummy { pass one { } }";

You were right, there was a problem with my entity effect.
Works now, Thanks

Last edited by Dyc; 07/09/07 12:08.