Lots of great feedback already thank you very much, I have learned so much from this community and have tried to give some back when I have been able to. Hopefully I will be able to continue this game and show the industry the kind of games that can be made with this engine, given the proper support and a team that will be able to follow through with my vision of this title.

Honestly in the video there are things that get seen that I wish would not be, there are multiple bugs in the prototype and a very bare enviornment this was not done intentionally I was just honestly out of time. The view distance with the fog is set so short because of the dynamic lighting using the A6 Engine for this build limited my use to 8 lights and you can even still see the lights popping on and off but it was worse when you could see much further without the fog.

For those that couldnt see the video because of the codec I have uploaded the same video with a different codec. Hero Of Olympus - Prototype Video

I wish I could add some of the changes you guys have mentioned but like I said I am out of time and am unable to continue the work without some kind of publisher support. I have sent this demo out to many publishers, a playable version along with the video and lots of business documents. Hopefully there will be a response and we can continue the work.