You all have me confused now. Yes I read the full thread but why I figured there was some kind of working tool available is because it's accepting money through paypal. What does the one he has for sale do? Totally new to this 3d gamestudio development. Wasn't looking for specifics about what exactly how to get the output of gamestudio into a game usable on the web but maybe general instructions like this would give me a better understanding of what his product does:

- Create your game as a multiplayer game in 3d gamestudio
- Open up 'our' tool and import in the project
- Click process
- Voila, the game is now a java enabled game.

That isn't how it will work but just wanted some rough idea on what i'm getting into before purchasing 3d gamestudio because my company specifically wants it to make a 3d web game.

I hope what I'm saying is even making sense... Sorry if I confused you..
