Alright, Im almost in a panic.

Last night I was JUST finishing up my player model, that is sculpting, not texturing, animating, ect, and I had saved, and closed it to do somthing else.
When I was done with that, I opened MED back up and tried to open my model, and it crashed. It said it couldnt run, said it encountered a problem, had to close, and asked if I would like to report the problem to Microsoft, ect.

I was like Ok..Ill give it another shot, maybe it was fluck...or however you spell that. So I tried again, and it did the same thing! I can open it somtimes by saving/transfering it somewhere else. But I after I close and open it agin it will crash. It I know its not MED, cause It opens all my other models JUST fine, but for some reason ever since I applied a texture to it, it will bearlly EVER open it unless I do alot of annoying extra things! And Ive only BEGUN on this model!

Has anyone else ever had this happen to them?