Hi together,

just found this forum and instantly fell in love with its topics.

Is it better to post in english or in german here? Are there more english readers around?

I wanted to share some thoughts with you regarding "time". Some theories I had and some questions as well.

So ... if we take "Schrödinger's Cat" for example: It's said that you don't know whether the cat's dead or alive. And you only can see it when you open the box and look at the cat (which, at this time, you should hope to be dead, otherwise you'll have some serious claws-in-flesh-incident in your near future).

But - all of this theory depends upon the flow of time. Time *must* flow straightforward to make this theory work. But DOES it flow straightforward?

If time's just another dimension just as 2D and 3D, it's not that straightforward, because there's no end you could point to and say: "Hey, that's the end of time and there's the beginning."
It's as if some cartoon-character in 2D would claim that there's world's end in front of him, but the person who drew the cartoon knows it's just the edge of the page.

It's just us humans who see time as a flow into one direction. If we could look upon Schrödinger's Cat as we can look upon several comic-book pages at once, we'd see the cat going into the box as well as the closed box AND the opened box. All at the same time. So there wouldn't be any uncertaincy at all.

Question is: IS time straighforward? Or isn't it? AFAIK they know by now that time is not a straight line, it's bent. So ... isn't it all a question of *how much* it's bent?

I think all this theory-stuff is strongly connected to the question whether the universe is infinite or not. If it's infinite, time'd be infinite, too. And since there's no beginning or end to something infinite, that would prove right the theory that it's just us humans who are too dimension-restricted ...

BTW, are there any publications about this issue? Some books that try to explain time somehow?