I dont know what your problem is spike... but i told you that I am no longer making ALLTP.. Just making my own zelda game...

Gorons, dekubabas... They are from zelda.. so yeah, they fit. and level design... whats wrong with my level design? Considering this IS just a test level...

I dont know what i said, or did to piss you off to this extreme... but uhmm.. CHILL OUT! Its not your game, get over it.. and neither was ALLTP, so worry about your own games, not mine.

How long have you been programing? im sure more then 2 and a half years... which is how long ive been programing for... so considering the experiance... id say i did a good job on this...

So, have a good one...

Ps. I'm sorry you did so poorly with A5... I wasnt very good with it either, but i was only starting when i was using it...

also, for a 23 year old, your pretty immature... just so you know.

Last edited by DevoN; 07/26/07 09:14.

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