it says that the bible is an astrological book and jesus never existet. they refer that jesus is similar to the agyptan god horus who also was born by a virgin was resurrrectet after 3 days and many other similarities.
Also it says that at december 25 the sun who stands for horus or jesus in that way is in one line with three bright stars which was in the past known as the three kings. the bible says they follow a star in the east which is true the three stars follow the bright star sirius until they stand in this constalation. So if you see Jesus as being the sun it makes all sense december 22-24 december are the days where the sun stands at its lowest point so it "dies" than december 25 it goes up again (resurection) and stands in line with the three kings.
jesus 12 followers are representing the months or star signs of a year. There are many other astrological similarities with the bible which are mentioned in the movie.

Last edited by phil3d; 07/21/07 07:15.