Good points, there are similar things going on around where I live also

As for this thing about Jesus walking around to Asia and places, I have heard a few different versions of it, some say that he was walking around Asia before he started his ministry, and thats where He got all of his "peace" teachings. Some claim that the crucifixtion was a hoax and he got married and went to Asia afterwards. Some say he was a homosexual, some say that he had relations with Mary Magdalene.

There are far too many different ideas about Jesus, and the things that He did, but so far I havent seen any of these ideas line up with the record given in the first four gospels of the New Testament.

Of course, proponents of such stories do not attempt to line up with the gospels in any way, they are just presenting new ideas I suppose. However I believe the gospels because they are the longest lasting record of His life and deeds, there are no manuscripts which can trace their origins before the gospels in regards to His life, and most of this crap is just the ramblings of revisionist historians with a chip on their shoulder agsinst Christianity.

I dont think anyone places any stock at all in these stories because:

1)True Christians will just discard them as soon as they are presented
2)Non-Christians will always want to believe something contrary to the gospels because...well...they are non_Christians.

So what difference does it make really? Nobody cares. You can make up any story you want about Christ, it doesnt change what the true believers think anyway, otherwise...they wouldnt be...well...true believers.

Once again though, this dichotomy was predicted by the writings of Jesus Himself, who said:


Luk 11:23 He that is not with me is against me; and he that gathereth not with me scattereth.

Notice that there isnt any provision made for a third group, perhaps a neutral or a grey area group, He only classified everyone as either with Him or against Him, there is no in between. In regards to Jesus and true-Christianity you are either on the boat, or you missed the boat, either one.

You can make up a thousand stories about Christ, but unless they line up with what He actually taught, you are basically "against Christ" in His own words.


Yes, he came to Japan: http://www.zetetique.ldh.org/herai_en.html

It is also fascinating to believe the daVinci code or this Japanese story about Christ traveling and having children and therefore some people like to think they are His decendants, or to find His real grave somewhere or a peice of His cross. But anyone who knows Jesus at all would know that there will never be definitive physical traces of Him found anywhere, it was against His philosophy to given physical signs to people, that also why the ark of the covenant or the holy grail will never be found, it is also the reason why elaborate ornate churches and temples are not impressive to the true-Christian faith. Jesus Himself hated "signs" and "evidences" and repeatedly urged His followers to believe without seeing. The attempts of media to give Him a wife or children are just attempts to humanize Him.

Last edited by NITRO777; 07/27/07 15:31.