Well I think the Romans thought he was more of a small nuisance and certainly never expected Him to be the founder of the largest religion ever known. The Romans crucified many criminals and probably didnt think much of one more crucifixtion. That would be my opinion, I really dont know. I am not very aware of early AD latin writers, I assume that they did also not write about many events which we would consider important. Josephus the historian wrote about Jesus, I dont know if he was latin.


Apart from your faith how can you explain this fact ?

But I accept the testimony of the gospels as eyewitnesses of His life and ministry. There are four different detailed accounts of His life, and I believe them.

The early Christians had no reason to lie, especially since they were executed for their beliefs. nobody allows themselves to be executed for a story they make up. The writers of the gospels also had no political advantage to create by making up lies about the existance of Jesus. Matthew, Mark, and Luke were not as important as some other early church leaders.