I have found something fascinating. I see all of these documentaries on TV about how the bible is a lie and how Jesus was a fake. Here is the question, Why haven't i seen such documentaries on other religions? I have never heard of "Contradictories of the Koran" or "Was Buddha a lie?". NEVER. But here are all of these people who always want to bag on Christianity and Jesus. But as soon as someone says something bad about their religion, all hell breaks loose.

I think i know the answer. It is because no matter how much of a non believer you are, there is still that fear (no matter how small) that keeps nagging at you every time Christianity comes into play. It annoys people when Christians pray but it doesn't annoy people when a Muslim prays? C'mon people! You can deny it all you want, flame me all you want, even send death PM's to me if you want. But don't deny that there isn't that little voice in your head that says "But what if....?" I even will admit that I have that voice. So what if people say "Religion isn't logical". What in this world is logical? Hell, is life logical? Hell to the no! But you don't see the world getting up in arms because of it.

Besides, my grandpa always said "It's logic that is going to kill us all". And it is true! In 1998, he died because he was given a heart bypass when he REALLY needed a blood transfusion. I know I am going to sound like an after school special saying this, but I think we should believe not what our eyes show us but what our heart tells us. Whew! My rant is over.