If you are stuck with a trial version of A6 but have access to some of the files from a previous unlocked version of A6, maybe you just need the following?
(Similar to the contents of an old key.exe extract-n-replace file?)
*acknex.exe (from an earlier unlocked A6 version)?
*ackutl.dll (from an earlier unlocked A6 version)?
Try to replace acknex.exe and ackutl.dll from the trial version with the acknex.exe and ackutl.dll from an earlier unlocked A6 version. Then try to dump password.txt into the 3DGS install folder.
If this works, and something similar probably should, you might want to create a directory called key, in your 3DGS archive folder, and dump the relevant files from the latest version you are currently using into that key directory for future backup purposes. I suppose then, you might try to find the time to burn such backup material to disc later, or copy it to a backup drive.