In fact there is.

When I used the vec_rotate command it sometimes led to weird results when the second argument was a VECTOR and not an ANGLE.


The code


vec_rotate(temp, vector(angle, 0, 0));

did not work properly all the time (here "angle" is just a var), but the code:


ANGLE temp_ang;

temp_ang.pan = angle;
temp_ang.tilt = 0;
temp_ang.roll = 0;
vec_rotate(temp, temp_ang);

works. It was a little confusing at first, but it seems that the casting from VECTOR to ANGLE and back, easy as it might seem, causes internal problems.


P.S.: BTW the "temp" I used above is a VECTOR variable I had to defined, it is not predefined anymore. Maybe it would be worth a suggestion to move such C-Script pre-defined things (like ENTITY* player;) into default.c

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