first, please wirte "Wii" not "WII".
"Wii" = offical name and then I would known what you are talking about, from the beginning
and second: yes, Wii=the best.
nintendo is always the one who takes the biggest steps, and FINALLY, everybody knows that.
yes, sony tried to steal the motion controlling, but its nothing against the functions of the Wiimote

also, Wii sports is fun, but even real games are "better than ever". like zelda or sonic.
it feels so damn good to rush the wiimote forward for a dash in sonic and just swing the wiimote for a sword slash in zelda.
other games like excite truck are cool too. easy to play and more fun as with a normal gamepad.
the graphics are ok. sonic looks incredible good. excite truck got an enourmes range of sight.
mario galaxy ist just beautiful and metroid prime 3 got everything right in graphics and control.

If the Wii would have the power of the xbox360, it would blow away every other gaming system in history. but for a "last gen graphics but new gen control"-console, it sells so damn well, that nintendo will become in the next months the new market leader.