The problem with WII, is that have not brought some two essentials shaders:
-Normal mapping
-specular mapping (or i haven't seen any game using it ?)

it has water, some mirror,some light effects , but not these ones.

And the normal mapping combined with specular that's what can show
more real weapons metal or anything else.
-the specular make metal shine depending on the direction, can be used for lot of other things (floor etc ..)
-normal just make textures no more flat , now you have depth in them like floor
in some games or make objects/characters look incredibly detailled and not flat.

That's too shaders are really essential today and Nintendo prefered low CPU/GPU
instead of boost them , and erhaps put the price somewhat more up.
Lot of WII games today , are not that great and look like last PS2 and
a lot very far from quality of God Of War 2 on PS2

We know that only Nintendo games will save the console , and that's why some of us have baught it :
Zelda,MArio Kart,Mario Galaxy,Metroid.

i wait also fun simple arcade(somwhat cool retro gaming) like gun shoothing :
Links crossbow, Dragon Quest Swords ...

and an original one :
no more heroes (i liked Killer 7 totally original)