I played the "next gen" consoles, but I don't like the games. the only reason I would buy a nextgen console was sonic. well the nextgen sonic is total bullshit, so I got no reason to buy a nextgen console.

I know wii isn't a nextgen graphic console. I never said that. ALSO twilight princess isn't even on the Wii graphic level, 'cause it's a gamecube game. and with a component cable you won't see anything blurred.
you just can't say "twilight princess got bad graphics". also, you can't say mario galaxy got bad graphics. ofcourse, the models aren't made of thousands of polys and hundreds of shadereffects, but they don't look bad.
I don't buy a console game for 69€, just because it's "next gen". and I don't buy a console for games like gears of war or halo3. no, I just want to play games that are fun. and mario galaxy looks like alot of fun. I can live without next gen graphics. and my money pocket thanks me for that