I wanted to post a correction to my last post on this topic
and the code that I made available on my website.

I've been working on a "jezz ball" game in flash, which I will
eventually "port" over to 3DGS. In it, I'm using a single dimensional
array to "build" the blocks on the board and to track block
states to deterinime the grid regions the ball can pass through.
In doing this, I noticed an error.

The script that I included in the post: myArray[(4*gRows)+18] = 10;
will only work if the rows and columns in the array are the same.

It will not work if there are 10 rows and 20 columns.

Changing the script to myArray[(4*gColumns)+18] = 10; is what is needed
in this case.

I have also updated and uploaded the .wdl I created
to reflect changes made in the function that insantiates the array,
as well as the "get" and "set" functions. The updated script can
be found here: http://www.ionstudios.net/3DGS/arrayExample.zip

The link I posted in the last response is now "dead."

Sorry if anyone had looked at or used this script and things didn't work
correctly. The new script will work for arrays where the rows = columns
and the rows != columns