Thank you everyone for the comments.

@rvL_eXile: Now that I look at it, I agree. I scaled back the texture, thank you!

@Trooper119: Yea, I noticed that the wall texture isnt prefectly tileable... but after a while using Photoshops tile tool, I still couldnt get it to look any better than it does now. Maybe I will come back to it after I am further through the project, but thank you!

@ShoreVietam: Yes, these textures are fairly simple to create, mostly made use of photoshop filters with alpha maps and lighting effects. For this project, I am not worried so much about a realistic feel, rather I am just trying to make it look half-decent, which is hard enough! Thank you though, I will constantly updating and hopefully improving these textures.

@frazzle: I actually just got to lighting today, as I have finished the entire hull of my first level! Between the lighting and a few extras I have added, it is already starting to look very nice (at least I think so...) I will update some pics soon (most likely tonight) and would love some more feedback.

Thank you everyone for the comments, it really means a lot. Unlike some, I will really try to encorporate the suggestions I recieve into my project, as most of you know more about this topic than I do!

Thank you again!

Edit: Ok, so here are those pictures that I promised! Again, still not a HUGE change, but I have added lighting and a few models (crates, doors, lights). Again, any constructive critics are welcome and appreciated! Thank you.

NOTE: The door texture is temporary, but I wanted to have something, just so that I didnt put in a blank model.

Even though they dont look terribly real, I really like the crate textures (again, very simple design).


Last edited by DeKO_Mania; 08/13/07 01:54.