Thank you all again for the suggestions!

@bstudio: After comparing two different scales (the scale seen in the picture, and half that scale), I like the smaller of the two a little better. Thank you for the suggestion!

@EX Citer: Also a good idea. I changed the tint of the lighting to a more tan-ish color, so it dosent look too dark, but it gives off a brownish glow. Again, thank you!

@Shadow969: Contrast between what? The crates and the rest of the room, or the textures themselves...

@frazzle: The lighting I have used is the standard lighting added inside of WED. It is nothing special, but it works for the time being... if I feel like going in and coding my own lighting, then that will come after coding begins.


Waiting for updates ...

I appreciate that, thank you.

To all, as last time, I will update some pics soon with these changes and hopefully some more additions of my own. I appreciate people not going too hard one me... I am sure that there are many other better ways to be doing the same thing I am doing, but as this is my first project, Im still learning. Thanks again!
