I'm the main developer on a MMORPG set in space that is almost ready to release the combat demo, but our models are crap. I'm looking for someone that is interested in working with us to get a couple ship models, a missile, and a couple other minor models together for the combat demo.

The teaser site that shows you absolutely nothing about the game (because the models look like trash we don't want to any screenshots off yet obviously) can be seen here: http://www.galaxiesbeyond.com

Ideally I'd like to find a very good modeler that is willing to work with us all the way to a production game. If you need proof that there's actually a real game and it's not just some kid that has delusions of grandeur I can provide you with a playable demo.

Please either drop a message directly to me in here or reply to this post if you're interested.


Last edited by darkfrog; 08/19/07 02:32.